Thursday, December 31, 2009

Answering The Call

With the growing number of New Testament churhes in need of pastor I have to aks the question, "Where are God's men?"
Is God not calling men to pastor New Testament churhes? Does God not see the great need for pastors? Are God's men just not answering the call?

Along with pastoring a New Testament church comes responsibility. Is the responsibilty of being held accountable by God for the teaching and leadership of His church to great a burden for some? I judge not men's motives or actions, but WHERE are God's Pastors?
New Testament churches are in need of men who will dedicate themselves to feeding the flock of God and leading them as he is led by the Holy Spirit.

The shortage of pastors is not God's fault. God knows the need, and according to His promisses to His church, He will supply her with her needs. God is calling but men are not answering. Men are not fully committing themselves to God's calling. It is more than announcing a call. It is more than preaching a message every now and then. To fully answer God's call is to dedicate oneself to the gospel ministry. This dedication involves study, further education and also pastoring a local New Testament church.

If a man desire the office of a bishop...what a great desire God gives His men. What has happened to that desire?
God calls men to pastor New Testament churches. I ask, "Where are God's men?"

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


From the pages of the book of Acts until the present day, how did all of the Local New Testament Churches begin?

On February 22-24 Maplevale MBC will be hosting a Mission's Seminar, all are invited