Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Pillar and Ground of the Truth

The Apostle Paul, when writing to Timothy, wrote, "But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth" (1 Timothy 3:15).

The Lord's New Testament church is the "pillar and ground of the truth". The church is responsible for contending for the faith, upholding truth. In these days it seems that pillars are cracking and the ground is unstable. Instead of standing firm and supporting the truth many churches are falling away from the truth.

Why is this happening? Why are we allowing the truth to fall?

1. We seek entertainment over the "foolishness" of preaching

2. We seek excitement over reverence

3. We seek experience over worship

4. We self serve instead of sacrifice

The Lord called and commisisoned His church to preach the gospel, baptize the saved, and train up disciples. When the Lord's churches forsake the commission they are forsaking the work of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Preachers be warned. There was a certain king who lead Israel into idolatry. This king was taken captive; while in captivity he repented from his evil and God restored him to his kingdom. When the king returned he attempted to compel Israel to stop worshipping idols. He made some changes, destroyed some things that hindered the people. Then comes the oh so true words concerning apostasy, "Nevertheless the people did sacrifice still in the high places,..." (2 Chronicles 33:17).

Apostasy is a one way street; once you are on the road it only leads further away from the truth. Some may say, well preacher I don't teach apostasy and our church doesn't either. Praise the Lord; I must, however, propose this question,Where does apostasy begin?

Apostasy doesn't begin with the total abandonment of the truth but subtly sneaks its way into churches that seek excitement and entertainment; into churches that believe that their must be something more--this is what Satan used against Eve.

The Lord's New Testament churches are the pillars and ground of the truth. Let us keep truth in the Lord's churches. Let us stand and proclaim it in these last days. Let the thrill seekers find their excitement in the false religions of the world, but let the Lord's churches offer the truth. It is the truth that sets men free, not entertainment and excitement.


The Rapture

There are diferent views concerning the time when the Lord will resurect the saved. Some believe this event will take place Pre-tribulation, some Mid-tribulation, and James Post-Tribulation. :)

There are three things one needs to know concerning the "rapture"

1. He is coming because He said He was

2. No one knows when

3. Be ready

The Bible proves these three truths.

If you want scriptures look them up yourself--this is a blog not a commentary. :) (got the smilies down Bro. Snide)


Scriptural Baptism

Do You Have To Get Wet To Have Scriptural Baptism?

Did the scape goat ever find his way back?

On the Day of Atonement one goat was sacrificed and one was a scape goat. The scape goat was taken outside the camp and set loose in the wilderness.

I wonder if he ever tried to return?

Do you think that some red-neck Israelite went out after it?

If the scape goat returned did he bring with him the sins that were placed on him?

Were did the goat go?
